Laser and esthetic Services

46B Front St. South Thorold, ON L2V 1W9

Mon. – Sat.: 09:00 – 18:00

Intense Pulsed Light Therapy (IPL) Acne Treatments

Home / IPL Acne Laser Treatments
Intense Pulsed Light Therapy for acne, also known as IPL is just as it sounds. This treatment uses specific wavelengths of light to treat acne. There are 3 mechanisms involved to destroy acne.
1. Visible blue light absorbs the bacteria and oil
2. Yellow light coagulates the blood vessels
3.Infrared light to dry the lesions
Please note that a consultation is required. Same day treatment is not available for acne Treatments. A $50.00 consult fee will apply if you decide not to proceed with treatment. The fee is waived if you book your treatment. Online virtual consultations are available.
Acne can be crippling towards someone’s self-image and confidence. Whether you suffer as a teen or an adult, acne is never a welcomed sight! But I wash my face, and change my pillow cases, so why do I still get acne? The truth is that these things may not be enough to keep acne at bay. There are contributing factors such as your sebum production, if you produce it in excess, it can become the perfect breeding ground for bacteria to grow and harbour blocked pores allowing for the development of white heads, blackheads and pustules that fill with fluid and pus – acne.
If you want to get rid of your acne quickly and effectively, IPL acne treatments are a great option. They are safe and effective, and usually only take about 15 minutes to complete a single session. Usually at the 4 week mark you start to notice a heavy clearance of the acne. And the best part is that the alser treatment has multiple mechanisms at play to target and destroy your acne. Check out the FAQ below to read more about it.


What is IPL Treatment and how does IPL target Acne?
Intense Pulsed Light Therapy for acne, also known as IPL is just as it sounds. This treatment uses specific wavelengths of light to treat acne. There are 3 mechanisms involved to destroy acne. 1. Visible blue light absorbs the bacteria and oil 2. Yellow light coagulates the blood vessels 3.Infrared light to dry the lesions
Is IPL Acne Treatment Painful?
treatment is painless! During treatment you may feel a warm sensation. Temporary redness in the treatment area is possible but subsides fairly quickly.
Is there any downtime required?
No downtime is required! Although it is possible to experience some redness or change in color of the treated area temporarily.
How many treatments will I need and how often?
Treatment is carried out 2 times per week over 4-6 weeks. Results are usually seen at the 4 week mark
Are there any risks or complications?
Erythema (redness), and edema (swelling) can occur, this is typical of the treatment and normal. Like every treatment, they are not without their risks, although rare, scarring can occur from the treatment. Darkening or lightening of the skin may occur.
What machine Do You Use?
I use a Sharplight laser machine with integrated IPL (Intense light therapy) and DPC (Dynamic Pulse Control ), this dual therapy allows for a more selective and effective treatment. The handpiece itself cools down to -8 ensuring a comfortable experience, and preventing damage to surrounding tissue.

Appointment Preparation:

Client Compliance Pre-Treatment

1. Discontinue Accutane 6 months prior to treatment
2. Discontinue use of Retinoic Acid products two weeks prior to treatment
3. Avoid sun exposure or the use of tanning beds and self-tanners for at least four to eight weeks (depending on the skin type), prior and/or between IPL treatments
4. Report all skin diseases, viruses, infections, cold sores, eczema or allergies
5. Do not exfoliate, use glycolic acid, benzoyl peroxide or any other skin irritants two weeks prior to treatment
6. Avoid Microdermabrasion or peels for two weeks prior to treatment
7. If the skin is red, irritated or sunburned, the IPL treatment must be rescheduled
8. Report all medication taken within the week of the treatment

Aftercare :

Client Compliance Post Treatment

1. Avoid direct sunlight, tanning beds or self-tanners for at least 2 weeks after a treatment. Apply Sun Protective Cream of SPF 50+, 15 minutes prior to sun exposure and 15 minutes afterwards. Keep reapplying as needed throughout the day. Consider using protective cotton gloves for driving, a hat to protect facial areas.
2. If there are scabs or blisters, make-up should not be used for 3-4 days
3. For at least two weeks post acne treatment, do not use harsh topical (exfoliators, glycolic acid, benzoyl peroxide, acne creams etc.)
4. Avoid touching, rubbing, peeling or picking of the skin as this may cause hyper/hypo – pigmentation or scarring
5. Gently apply pure Aloe Vera gel or antibiotic ointment to the treated area twice daily until healed and dry
6. For 1 week, avoid hot baths, showers, hot tubs and saunas. When showering and washing, gently pat dry and do not rub
7. Avoid strenuous exercise for 24 hours following clinical treatment.
Always additionally a) avoid Sun exposure for 4 – 8 weeks prior to IPL b) always be wearing sun protection! c) avoid any heat 48 hours prior to, or 48 hours after IPL treatments (no cooking, dishes, vigorous cleaning … etc.) d) Avoid strenuous exercise or any activity which will cause sweating or excessive heat to the skin e) Avoid saunas or hot tubs before and after treatments f) Avoid alcohol 48 hours prior to, or 48 hours after IPL treatments g) Avoid make up, antiperspirants or any topical creams which may not allow for the skin to properly breath, 24 hours post treatments h) Always encourage Clients to keep us informed on any changes to their medical history forms, or any new medications
Laser Medical History
DPC Consent Form